Microbiological Activity within Cooling Towers

Biofouling occurs when microorganisms such as algae, fungi, and bacteria are abundant on the surfaces of cooling towers, this depends on a lot of factors, like the temperature, exposure to sunlight, the source of the water, and even your system’s operation. The cool, moist environment within cooling towers can provide optimal conditions for microbial growth, which has a significant effects on the performance of the system.
What is Biofilm?
Biofilm is a slimy layer on the surfaces of cooling towers that can accelerated corrosion, perforate heat exchanger surfaces, and reduce the heat transfer performance of the system. Biocides provide biofouling protection for your cooling tower by slowing the growth of microorganisms and decreasing microbial CFUs (colony forming units) in the system’s water. While biocides can differ between systems, the following factors should be taken into consideration: persistence of biocide, applicable dosage, and chemical alternatives. A biocide with low persistence will allow effective treatment with low environmental impact. The proper dosage should be applied for optimal microbial growth prevention. Chemical alternatives consist of altering pH, salinity, and temperature which deter microbial growth while allowing process control to operate efficiently. As a system ages, the optimal ranges of these factors can change, and process control monitoring with routine measurement of biocides provide vital information on the effectiveness of treatment. Environmental Earthwise can, upon request, recommend effective biocides for your system’s water treatment.